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From the Author... A Commentary
(7) The Sense of Preciousness

 The wind had constantly told us "You are precious". This is one of the true core essences all the psychotherapies, yoga, qi-gong and religions share in common. A person is not precious just because he or she does something or has achieved something, but rather, a person is precious in the first place for just existing alone. And, it is only merely a matter of that precious existence simply doing or trying something, or making a mistake.

It is not an exaggeration to state that psychotherapy is for experiencing these preciousness of one's own existence fully. It is a very important matter for one to experience one's own preciousness to that extent.

 For example, in the Shingon Mikkyo sect of the Esoteric Buddhism, the preciousness is mentioned as the innate Buddha-nature existing in each person. Or in Christianity, it is preached that the spirit of Christ lives in each of the person. In the world of Qi, it is the Daishuten, or in other words, the heaven exists in each person, and in the New Age thoughts, it is the dialogues between one's inner god.

 While in connection, let me mention that it is a strange practice in itself to blindly worship the preaching leaders in the new religion sects and the likes. For according to the abovementioned reason, there is no high or low in preciousness. Therefore, all things that have a single person worship as its aim and objective can be called a fake in view of preciousness.

 The teachings of Zen Buddhism have been partially misinterpreted and distorted by some. In the Zen thought, there is an impossible reasoning out (by only a part of some extreme sect, though) that says: "Everything begins from nothingness, and ends in nothingness. Therefore, according to that point of view, the Buddha had begun entering life from a suffering existence, so his departure point is different. Which means, his departure point was mistaken, and so was his religion, and so it means his responsibility to have had spread that kind of religion to the common populace is by large. So, therefore, one has to'Kill the Buddha, if one meets him on the road '."

 The correct answer for "If you meet the Buddha upon the road......"is, ofcourse, I am sure all of you already know: "......please hug and embrace him".
 Even though the Shakyamuni may be mistaken, so to speak, there is no change to the importance of preciousness.